
Palmer Luckey

Founder/Inventor, Oculus VR, Anduril Industries, USA

Palmer Luckey is an American inventor, innovator, and entrepreneur. He is the
Founder of defense technology company Anduril Industries, designer of the
Oculus Rift, a virtual reality head-mounted display, and the Founder of Oculus VR,
which was acquired by Facebook in 2014 for $2.3b.

Palmer founded Anduril Industries in 2017 to radically transform the defense capabilities of the United
States and its allies by fusing artificial intelligence with the latest hardware advancements. At Anduril,
Palmer integrates a consumer technology business model with mission-driven objectives, enabling rapid
product development and deployment, setting the company apart from other players in the defense

His deep interest in defense technology was driven by his time at the USC ICT MxR lab, where he built
hardware used to research immersive PTSD treatment for US veterans. He continued to support various
military applications of VR during his time at Oculus, informing his belief that radical modernization of US
military technology is a prerequisite for preserving our way of life .Palmer began attending Golden West
College and Long Beach City College at the age